Ellen Muriel - Creator, Performer and Producer
Ellen graduated with a 2.1 in Drama from the University of Exeter in 2014. Since then she has spent most of her time travelling in Asia, the Middle East and Europe, working and volunteering with several international theatre festivals and companies, aswell as participating in a number of international artists residencies. Along the way she became heavily involved with Europe's current refugee "crisis" and has recently returned from 6 months volunteering in Lesvos, Athens, Calais, Belgrade and Idomeni under several grassroots organisations.
Contact: ellen.muriel6@gmail.com
Edinburgh Fringe Team
Yasmin Millican - Assistant Producer
Yasmin studied History and International Relations at the University of Exeter, and graduated with a First degree in July 2015. During her time at University she volunteered with Refugee Support Devon (RSD) and helped coordinate Exeter’s City of Sanctuary movement, which sought to raise awareness among the student population about the many obstacles faced by people who seek sanctuary in the U.K.
Since graduating, Yasmin has worked for Oxfam International, where she was responsible for reporting on Oxfam’s response in refugee camps in Greece, Italy, Serbia and Macedonia, and has spent the last 3 months volunteering in one of these camps in Ritsona, Greece.
Contact: yazmillican@hotmail.co.uk
Poppy Duffree - Publicity Manager
Poppy studied Human Resource Management at the University of Liverpool, graduating in 2011. Whilst in her third year, she was President of Liverpool University Student Theatre and enjoyed performing, something which has continued since. She worked in London after graduating, before leaving her job last year to travel. Poppy volunteered in Greece to help with the refugee crisis by working for a local NGO, before volunteering independently. Since then she has continued to travel around Asia and Europe.
Contact: poppy10@hotmail.com
Pippa Sa - Dramaturg and Stage Manager
Pippa Sa was awarded an upper second class BA Hons degree in Drama from Queen Mary, University of London, in 2014. Focussing on performance, identity and culture Pippa has developed and performed various pieces of solo and autobiographical work. Most recently, however, she volunteered with an international NGO aimed at empowering women in a small community in Honduras, Central America. As well as being a performance-maker she works freelance as a video editor and she currently resides in Brighton with her cat Freddie.
Contact: philippajade93@gmail.com